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Zoned Out Across America

27 mars 2005

"All Good Things Must Come to an


"All Good Things Must Come to an End..."


In line with today's Watchtower discussion, my spiritual progress and Asaph, I have decided to acquiesce  

to the demands of Amber, Bethany, Gianna and pretty much everyone else at Xanga and use my blog there: meaning that I am starting anew. I

feel like I have moved on from the bitterness and (at times) anger that I felt during the last year. I am not

that person anymore, as David G. would call it, "the angry black woman."

So now, I ask you all to look up "ebbyzone" on Xanga to see the "spiritual, brown sister" that is me (but give me a couple of days to complete a cool layout).

Its been a long, long year but I am glad that I made it to this point. I know for a fact I have never been

this happy in all areas of my life. I am so thankful that I have such wonderful people around me

(many of whom have been light-heartedly poked at in my blog...*cough-cough* DDAAADD) to help

me to reach this point.

Thank you to the  two readers of my blog; I truly appreciate your undying support.

To the rest: Thank you all, go Asaph and may the force be with you...always...
